Dragon Chef Bhutanese Restaurant
Welcome to Dragon Chef Bhutanese Restaurant located at 224 Main Street, Osborne Park WA 6017!
Discover the essence of Bhutanese gastronomy at Dragon Chef where authenticity meets flavor. Our buffet menu showcases a variety of traditional Bhutanese dishes that reflect the heart of our cuisine.
More than just a restaurant, we aim to evoke the warmth of home in the bustling city of Perth. Immerse yourself in the Bhutanese culture and savor the unique blend of flavors that define our culinary identity. Join us at Dragon Chef for a taste of Bhutanese-ness in every bite.
It’s not just a meal but a Bhutanese experience in Australia.
Dragon Chef Restaurant
Address224 Main Street, Osborne Park WA 6017
Opening TimesTue - Thur: 12pm to 10pm
Fri - Sun: 12pm to 11:30pm
Mon: closed
(Entertainment programs after 9pm, Fri and Sat nights)